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Moon Workshop the Book
Online version of our popular Moon Workshop just £10
If you find it difficult to believe that the moon can actually affect us all personally… Remember that the Moon controls the vast oceans and the tides on our planet. The human body contains on average, 70% water! So think again…!
The way the moon influences us has been recognised through history. This book offers a fascinating insight into the facts and fiction of how our moon affects us all on Earth
Learn to live in unison with the Moon's phases. Order now
If you find it difficult to believe that the moon can actually affect us all personally… Remember that the Moon controls the vast oceans and the tides on our planet. The human body contains on average, 70% water! So think again…!
The way the moon influences us has been recognised through history. This book offers a fascinating insight into the facts and fiction of how our moon affects us all on Earth
Learn to live in unison with the Moon's phases. Order now
Feng Shui the Easy Way! Online Book
Taken from our popular workshop Just £10
40 pages of tips, pictures and information to
easily obtain the best from your home or business
by utilising natures elements without the need
for major changes or upheavel
Order here £10
40 pages of tips, pictures and information to
easily obtain the best from your home or business
by utilising natures elements without the need
for major changes or upheavel
Order here £10